I. Kirpal Singh declared in public about his successor: “He will not be a member of my family.”(2)
II. Darshan Singh died in 1989 a few days before leaving for a Tour of Conferences in the West for 3 months, already all reserved, among general consternation. One who is called “Sant” (a Master of the highest Order) cannot be unaware of his moment of death, as further explained in detail. (3)
I. In 1984 he publically predicted a planetary catastrophe for that year. (4)
II. He transformed Sawan Ashram of Delhi in something that had nothing of spiritual, as some letters demonstrate.(5)
I. He was followed for a short time by the Representative of Kirpal Singh for Germany, who abandoned him since he did not find in him the characteristics of a Master.
List and motivations in brief.
Please note that this site only contains documented facts.
Clicking on the footnote numbers takes you to the relative document.
2. After Kirpal Singh: many so-called “successors”.
After the passing of Kirpal Singh, who was held by all to be a Perfect Master, at least 5 people have claimed to be his “successor” and have assumed the appellative of Sant or Master of the highest Order. Thus, something wrong suddenly came about, and the numbers did not add up.
Actually the numbers do add up quite so, because all these 5 people have demonstrated with facts, as we will see, to be only imperfect Masters, or false Masters, and therefore, false successors.
1. Darshan Singh (Sawan Kirpal Ruhani Mission or Science of Spirituality).
After the passing of Kirpal Singh, Darshan Singh, the physical son of the Master, wrote
a letter to the editors of Sat Sandesh, the American magazine of the Ruhani Satsang,
in which he claimed succession. This request of his was accepted in the U.S.A. by T.S.
Khanna and others who elevated him to the rank of Master.
Why he is a false successor.
I. Kirpal Singh, while in Tustin, California, U.S.A. in December 1963, declared in public
regarding his successor:
“Whoever may come up in the future, I tell you most definitely that he will NOT be a member of
my family.”
This was also published on the magazine Sat Sandesh.(2)
II. Darshan Singh died in 1989 a few days before leaving for a Tour of Conferences in the West for
3 months, already all reserved.
Kirpal Singh in his writings and talks underlined the fact that one of the fundamental duties of the Master
Power is to protect and receive every disciple at the moment of his passing.
“The Master appears at the moment of death to all those who have received his teachings, so he can
guide them into the Beyond and keep them away from the power of Kal.” (Kirpal Singh: Rebirth
Circular Letter).” And in the Introduction of His book “The Jap Ji” we find, “The God-Man receives the initiates at the time of
death, when all others fail.” He also said: “These (the Masters) are selected by God… They know when to come and when they are
going.” (Last darshan, August 17, 1974) In 1989, for the months from June to September, a Tour of Conferences by Darshan Singh was
organized in North and South America and in Europe. The itinerary and the dates were fixed, the airplane
tickets, the conference halls, and the hotels were already reserved. But Darshan Singh died on 30 May 1989,
a few days before leaving for New York, the first stop of the trip, amid general consternation. (3) Now one must ask: which one of you would organize a trip like that if you knew about your imminent death?
How could Darshan Singh be considered a Sant or Master, who is supposed to assist also his own disciples at
the moment of death, if he did not even know the day of his own passing?
After the death of Darshan his physical son, Rajinder Singh, “succeeded” him.
2. Thakar Singh (Know Thyself as Soul Foundation).
After the passing of Kirpal Singh, Thakar Singh was placed as the administrator of Sawan
in Delhi (once the Seat of the Great Master) by Tai Ji, who had been his governess for a
longtime, and obtained the support in the U.S.A. of Reno H. Sirrine.
He then assumed the official office of Master.
Why he is a false successor.
I. In 1984 he made a big commotion in Germany predicting the end of the world within that
year. He confirmed that prediction, which was obviously wrong, in a letter of his dated 3 May, 1984 sent to his follower Wulfing Rohr from Munich, Germany. (4)
II. With the same letter he admitted that he had not reached perfection and that he was a victim of the Negative
Power and sex. (4) Wulfing Rohr with an open letter of his addressed to all the initiates on the Spiritual Path, dated 24 May 1984,
denounced the grave deficiencies admitted to by Thakar Singh himself and made public the letter received
from him. (5) Thakar Singh died in 2005 designating as his “successor” his Indian initiate Baljit Singh.
3. Ajaib Singh (Sant Bani Ashram).
Ajaib Singh was “discovered” in Rajastan, India, by the Canadian Arran Stephens, who
brought him to the general attention as a possible successor and obtained the support of
Russel Perkins, then the editor of the magazine Sat Sandesh in the U.S.A.
He was then raised to the rank of Master.
Why he is a false successor.
I. After having discovered Ajaib Singh (Sant Ji) and following him for a few years, at the
end of 1978 Arran Stephens abandoned him, diffusing a document, together with
Richard Handel (U.S.A.), with the title “A statement by two fools concerning Sant Ajaib Singh Ji”.
In it the two ex-followers listed several valid reasons, discovered by them personally, why Ajaib could not be
considered a Master, and hence the successor of Kirpal Singh. (6) Among these reasons, it is fundamental the fact that Ajaib did not even know how to meditate according
to the teachings of Kirpal Singh. As everybody could see in those years, during meditation, in fact, he had
the mantra repeated quickly and also while listening to the sound; whereas Kirpal Singh always taught
the disciples to repeat the mantra very, very slowly and only while meditating on the light, not on the sound.
II. Ajaib Singh died a few days before leaving on a Tour of Conferences in the West with everything
already reserved in 1997.
Kirpal Singh in his writings and talks underlined the fact that one of the fundamental duties of the Master
Power is to protect and receive every disciple at the moment of his passing. “The Master appears at the
moment of death to all those who have received his teachings, so he can guide them into the Beyond
and keep them away from the power of Kal.” Kirpal Singh: Rebirth Circular Letter) And in the Introduction of His book “The Jap Ji” we find, “The God-Man receives the initiates at the time of
death, when all others fail.” He also said: “These (the Masters) are selections by God… They know when to come and when they are
going back.” (Last darshan, August 17, 1974) In the month of July 1997, a Tour of Conferences was organized for Ajaib Singh in Mexico, California and
Canada. The program was widely diffused also on the web, the air tickets were bought, the conference
halls prepared, and the organization ready to receive him. But Ajaib Singh died 6 July, 1997, a few days before
leaving for Mexico, where he was expected on 10 July. (7) One must ask: which one of you would organize a trip like that if you knew about your imminent death? How
could Ajaib Singh be considered a Sant or Master, who is supposed to assist also his own disciples at the
moment of death, if he did not even know the day of his passing?
Some years after the death of Ajaib, his Indian initiate Sadhu Ram “succeeded” him.
4. Soami Divyanand (Divyanand Spiritual Foundation).
There is little information about this Guru.
One thing is certain, that after the passing of Kirpal Singh, he had Bianca Marita Fitting
Fitting, as a follower, who was already the Master’s Representative for Germany for a
long time, and who proposed him to the German disciples.
After little time, though, B. M. Fitting (who died later) with her followers abandoned
Divyanand, saying that, according to her long experience with Kirpal Singh, he did not
have the characteristics of the Master.